How to do Product Idea Generation: Igniting the Spark 2024




Product Idea Generation

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Product Development means making new or better products or services that customers like and need. Product Development is very important for small businesses to be better, new, and make money in the market. But how do you make good product ideas that can fix real problems and make your customers happy? In this article, we will learn some of the best ways and methods for product idea generation, and how to check if your ideas are good and possible. We’ll explore how to spark new product ideas and look at ways to think differently. products. Join us to learn how to ignite the spark of innovation in your business.

Before diving into the world of idea generation, a quick word about the author. You will find information on the author and his qualifications on Authors‘ page. Information in this article is for general informational and educational purposes only. It should not be considered as professional financial advice. Nitty Gritty Startups and the author are not licensed financial advisors. Please read our full Legal Disclaimer and Financial Advice Disclaimer.

Key Takeaways and Action Points

Key Takeaways on Product Idea Generation
Key Takeaways on Product Idea Generation

When you’re standing at the threshold, ready to start a small business, the amount of information can be overwhelming. Below, you’ll find a streamlined table that encapsulates the key takeaways from this article, each takeaway designed to guide you toward a successful business launch. Each takeaway is paired with a practical action that can be implemented to achieve successful growth.

This section is designed for those seeking a quick grasp of the article’s core messages or for individuals with limited time to read the entire piece. Whether you’re a busy entrepreneur looking for immediate guidance or simply eager to get to the heart of the matter, this section will provide you with the key highlights and practical steps to kickstart your small business journey.

Key TakeawaysAction Points
Idea generation is the process of creating new ideas by exploring different concepts and possibilities as well as inputs from other stakeholders to find the best solution.Define the problem or opportunity that you want to solve or explore with your ideas.
Idea generation is an important part of problem-solving and can be done in a group setting.Involve the right people who can contribute to the idea generation process, such as your team, customers, or experts.
Idea generation has some pros and cons that need to be considered.Weigh the benefits and drawbacks of the idea generation process, and try to maximize the pros and minimize the cons.
Idea generation involves using various tools and techniques to generate, evaluate, and select the best ideas.Choose the tools and techniques that suit your objectives and situation, such as brainstorming, SCAMPER, Six Thinking Hats, or data analytics.
Idea generation is influenced by the current and future trends in the market, such as the demand for personalization, the competition for innovation, the impact of social and environmental issues, and the development and adoption of new technologies.Monitor and analyze the trends that affect your industry and customers, and generate ideas that align with or anticipate the trends.
Idea generation is a vital and valuable process for small businesses to create new or improved products or services that meet the needs and wants of their customers.Implement and execute your ideas, and measure and improve their performance and impact.

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How to do Product Idea Generation – Igniting the Spark 2024

Introduction to Product Idea Generation

Introduction to Product Idea Generation
Introduction to Product Idea Generation

We’ll explore strategies to unlock creativity and discover ideas that resonate with your target audience. You’ll learn how to sift through your brainstorming sessions to find those golden ideas that have the potential to transform into successful products. We’ll also discuss how to align your innovative concepts with market needs, ensuring that your product idea doesn’t just stay an idea but evolves into a marketable reality.

Whether you’re a startup founder, a product manager, or an aspiring entrepreneur, these insights will help you navigate the complex yet exciting world of product development.

What is Product Idea Generation?

What is Product Idea Generation
What is Product Idea Generation

Product Idea Generation is the process of creating, developing and communicating new ideas for solving problems or improving products or services. It is an important part of innovation and can be done using various techniques and sources. Some of the common sources of product ideas are customers, competitors, employees, suppliers, distributors, research and development, market trends, social media, etc. Some of the common techniques for generating product ideas are brainstorming, idea challenge, SCAMPER, opposite thinking, analogy thinking, etc

Steps in the Idea Process
Steps of the Idea Generation Process

Steps of the Idea Generation Process

Idea generation is the creative process of generating new methods to solve problems and improve the product’s conditions or the company itself⁴. It is based on factors like idea development, group discussions, choosing the best alternative, and finally, implementing the idea in real-world scenarios. Here are some steps that can help you with the idea generation process:

  • Define the problem or opportunity: The first step is to identify the specific problem or opportunity that you want to address with your idea. This will help you to narrow down your focus and set clear goals for your ideation. You can use tools like the problem statement or the opportunity statement to articulate your challenge in a concise and compelling way.
  • Gather information: The next step is to collect relevant information that can help you to understand the problem or opportunity better. This can include data, insights, feedback, trends, best practices, and existing solutions. You can use tools like the SWOT analysis or the PESTEL analysis to analyze the internal and external factors that affect your situation.
  • Generate ideas: Generate Ideas: The third step is to make lots of ideas that can help fix the problem or use the chance. This is the most fun and new part of the process, where you can use different ways to make your mind more creative and open. Some of the good ways are the idea question, the SCAMPER way, the opposite thinking, the brainstorm cards, and the analogy thinking.
  • Analyze ideas: The fourth step is to check and choose the ideas that you have made, based on how possible, wanted, and useful they are. This is where you need to use your thinking skills to pick the best ideas that can reach your aims and rules. You can use tools like the idea check table or the possible-wanted-useful method to order and see your ideas.
  • Test concepts: The fifth step is to test and validate your selected ideas with your target users and stakeholders. This is where you need to create prototypes or mockups of your ideas and get feedback from real users to see how they respond to your concepts. You can use tools like the minimum viable product (MVP) or the user testing to measure and improve your ideas based on user needs and expectations.
  • Final selection: The final step is to choose the best idea that has passed the testing phase and is ready to be implemented in the market. This is where you need to make a final decision based on the evidence and data that you have collected throughout the process. You can use tools like the decision matrix or the weighted scoring model to justify and communicate your choice.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your idea generation process is systematic, effective, and collaborative. You can also adapt and customize these steps according to your specific context and needs. The most important thing is to keep an open mind and embrace the creative potential of your ideas.

Brainstorming Techniques for Unleashing Creativity

Brainstorming Techniques for Unleashing Creativity,
Brainstorming Techniques for Unleashing Creativity

Brainstorming is a popular and effective method for generating a large number of ideas in a short time. Brainstorming involves gathering a group of people, preferably from different backgrounds and perspectives, and encouraging them to share their thoughts and suggestions on a specific topic or problem. The key to successful brainstorming is to follow some basic rules:

  • Define the goal and scope of the brainstorming session clearly and concisely.
  • Encourage everyone to participate and contribute without fear of criticism or judgment.
  • Focus on quantity, not quality, of ideas. The more ideas, the better.
  • Do not evaluate or filter the ideas during the session. Save that for later.
  • Build on each other’s ideas and combine them to create new ones.
  • Use visual aids, such as whiteboards, sticky notes, or mind maps, to organize and display the ideas.

Some of the common brainstorming techniques that you can use to unleash your creativity are:


Each participant writes down their ideas on a piece of paper and passes it to the next person, who adds their own ideas or comments. This process is repeated until everyone has seen and contributed to each paper. Then, the papers are collected and the ideas are discussed and evaluated.

Suppose you want to generate ideas for a new mobile app that helps people learn a foreign language. You can use the brainwriting technique as follows:

  • Gather a group of people who are interested or knowledgeable in the topic, such as language learners, teachers, developers, or designers.
  • Give each person a piece of paper and a pen, and ask them to write down three ideas for the app in five minutes. They can write anything that comes to their mind, without worrying about feasibility or quality.
  • After five minutes, ask each person to pass their paper to the next person, and write down three more ideas based on the previous paper. They can either add new ideas, modify existing ones, or combine them.
  • Repeat this process until each paper has been circulated among all the participants, or until a sufficient number of ideas have been generated.
  • Collect all the papers and discuss the ideas as a group. You can use criteria such as originality, usefulness, relevance, and demand to evaluate and rank the ideas.


This technique uses a set of questions to help you modify or improve an existing product or service. The questions are based on the acronym SCAMPER, which stands for: Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, and Reverse. For example, you can ask yourself: What can I substitute in this product to make it better? What can I combine with this product to create something new? How can I adapt this product to a different context or situation? And so on.

If you want to generate ideas for improving an existing product, such as a bicycle. You can use the SCAMPER technique as follows:

  • For each letter of the acronym, ask yourself a question that prompts you to modify or improve the product. For example:
    • Substitute: What can I substitute in the bicycle to make it better? For example, I can substitute the tires with airless ones, or the seat with a more comfortable one.
    • Combine: What can I combine with the bicycle to create something new? For example, I can combine the bicycle with a solar panel, or a GPS device, or a speaker.
    • Adapt: How can I adapt the bicycle to a different context or situation? For example, I can adapt the bicycle to a mountain terrain, or a rainy weather, or a night time.
    • Modify: How can I modify the bicycle to change its appearance or function? For example, I can modify the bicycle to make it foldable, or electric, or colorful.
    • Put to another use: How can I use the bicycle for a different purpose or audience? For example, I can use the bicycle for fitness, or transportation, or entertainment.
    • Eliminate: What can I eliminate from the bicycle to simplify or streamline it? For example, I can eliminate the pedals, or the chain, or the brakes.
    • Reverse: How can I reverse or rearrange the bicycle to create a different effect or outcome? For example, I can reverse the direction of the handlebars, or the wheels, or the gears.
    • For each question, write down as many answers as possible, and select the most promising ones for further development or testing.

Six Thinking Hats

This technique helps you think in different ways. You wear different “hats” that mean different things. The six hats are: White (facts), Red (feelings), Black (problems), Yellow (good things), Green (new ideas), and Blue (plan). You change hats to look at the problem or idea from different sides. This helps you find better solutions.

Suppose you want to generate and evaluate ideas for a new product, such as a smart watch. You can use the Six Thinking Hats technique as follows:

  • Assign a role and a hat color to each participant, or ask them to switch hats periodically. For example, you can have a blue hat facilitator, a white hat data analyst, a yellow hat optimist, a black hat critic, a red hat emoter, and a green hat innovator.
  • Follow a sequence of hats that suits your objective and situation. For example, you can start with the blue hat to define the goal and scope of the discussion. Then you can move to the white hat to gather and analyze the facts and data about the market and the customers. You then switch to the green hat to brainstorm and generate creative ideas for the smart watch. This is then followed by the yellow hat to highlight the benefits and opportunities of each idea. Then apply the black hat to identify the risks and challenges of each idea. Then wear the red hat to express the feelings and emotions of each idea. Finally, return to the blue hat to summarize and conclude the discussion.
  • For each hat, ask relevant questions and provide appropriate answers, based on the perspective and mode of thinking of the hat. For example:
    • Blue hat: What is the purpose and outcome of this discussion? How can we structure and manage the discussion effectively? What are the main points and actions that we need to take away from this discussion?
    • White hat: What are the facts and data that we have about the smart watch market and the potential customers? What are the sources and reliability of the data? What are the gaps and limitations of the data? How can we interpret and analyze the data objectively?
    • Green hat: What are some possible features and functions that we can include in the smart watch? How can we make the smart watch unique and innovative? How can we combine, modify, or adapt existing products or ideas to create something new?
    • Yellow hat: What are the advantages and benefits of each idea? How can each idea add value and satisfy the needs and wants of the customers? How can each idea generate revenue and profit for the business?
    • Black hat: What are the disadvantages and drawbacks of each idea? How can each idea fail or cause problems? What are the risks and challenges that we need to overcome or mitigate?
    • Red hat: How do we feel about each idea? How do we think the customers will react to each idea? What are the emotions and intuitions that influence our opinions and decisions?

Leveraging Customer Feedback and Surveys

Leveraging Customer Feedback and Surveys
Leveraging Customer Feedback and Surveys

One of the best sources of product ideas is your existing or potential customers. They are the ones who have the problems that you want to solve, and they are the ones who will use and pay for your products or services. Therefore, it is important to listen to their feedback and opinions, and to understand their needs, preferences, and expectations. Customer feedback and surveys are powerful tools for collecting valuable insights and information from your customers. You can use them to:

  • Identify the pain points and frustrations of your customers, and how they currently cope with them.
  • Discover the unmet or hidden needs and wants of your customers, and what they value the most.
  • Test the demand and interest for your product ideas, and how much your customers are willing to pay for them.
  • Validate the assumptions and hypotheses that you have about your customers and the market.
  • Get suggestions and recommendations from your customers on how to improve your products or services.

There are different ways to gather customer feedback and surveys, such as:

  • Online surveys: Online surveys let you ask your customers questions. You can use websites like SurveyMonkey, Google Forms, or Typeform to make and send surveys. You can use email, social media, or your website to share them. Online surveys are simple to make, use, and check. They can talk to many different people. But online surveys may have some problems. Some people may not answer them, or give wrong or unfair answers. Or there may be some problems with the website or the internet.
  • Interviews: Interviews let you talk to your customers. You can talk to one or more customers at a time. You can talk face to face, on the phone, or on video. Interviews help you learn more about your customers and their needs. You can ask them any questions you want. But interviews can take a lot of time, money, and planning. And you may need good people to run them.
  • Focus groups: Focus groups are a way to talk to your customers. You can ask 6 to 12 people to join a group chat. You can pick a topic or a product to talk about. Focus groups help you see how your customers feel and think. You can get different and interesting views. But focus groups have some problems. People in a group may act differently. They may agree with others or follow a leader. They may not be like most people.

Adapting Existing Products or Services

Adapting Existing Products or Services
Adapting Existing Products or Services

Another way to generate product ideas is to adapt existing products or services to new markets, segments, or niches. You can do this by:

  • Changing the target audience: You can find new customers for your products or services by targeting different demographics, geographies, or psychographics. For example, you can adapt a product that is designed for adults to children, or a product that is popular in one country to another.
  • Changing the value proposition: You can offer new benefits or features for your products or services that appeal to different needs or wants of your customers. For example, you can add convenience, quality, or customization to your products or services, or you can reduce cost, risk, or complexity.
  • Changing the delivery method: You can change how your products or services are delivered or accessed by your customers, such as by using different channels, platforms, or formats. For example, you can transform a physical product into a digital one, or a service into a subscription.

A famous example of adapting an existing product to a new market is Netflix, which started as a DVD rental service in the US, and then expanded to online streaming and original content production, reaching a global audience.

Evaluating Ideas – Viability and Potential

Evaluating Ideas - Viability and Potential
Evaluating Ideas – Viability and Potential

Once you have generated a list of product ideas, you need to evaluate them and select the ones that have the most viability and potential. Viability refers to the feasibility and profitability of your product ideas, while potential refers to the desirability and scalability of your product ideas. You can use different criteria and methods to evaluate your product ideas, such as:

  • Market size and growth: tell you how many customers you have and how they change. You need to know who they are and what they want. You can use two types of data to find out: secondary data and primary data. Secondary data are things like reports, numbers, or news. Primary data are things like questions, talks, or tests. They help you measure the market size and growth.
  • Competitive advantage and differentiation: Competitive advantage and differentiation tell you how you can beat your rivals. You need to know who they are and what they do. You need to know how your products are better or different. You can use some tools to find out: SWOT analysisPorter’s five forces, or value proposition canvas. They help you analyze your competitive advantage and differentiation.
  • Customer validation and feedback: tell you if your customers like your products. You need to show them your product ideas and ask what they think. You can use some methods to do that: prototypes, MVPs, or landing pages. They help you validate your product ideas and see the customer reaction.
  • Cost and revenue: You need to calculate the cost of developing and delivering your product ideas, and the revenue that you can generate from them. You can use tools, such as business model canvas, lean canvas, or financial projections, to estimate your cost and revenue.

By evaluating your product ideas based on these criteria and methods, you can rank them and select the ones that have the highest viability and potential for your small business.

Case Studies for Product Idea Generation

Idea Generation Processes That worked

Case Studies for Product Idea Generation
Case Studies for Product Idea Generation

Netflix: Netflix is a big company that makes and shows movies and shows online. Netflix used to rent DVDs in the US. Then it changed its product to fit a new market. It started to show movies and shows online and make its own content. It reached people all over the world. Netflix used the SCAMPER method to change its product for different situations. SCAMPER is a way to think of new ideas by asking questions.

Netflix also asked its customers what they wanted and liked. Netflix made its product better for each customer. It suggested movies and shows they might like. It let them have their own profiles. It made content they could interact with. Netflix’s product made its customers happy and loyal. It also made more money and profit.

Slack: Slack is a tool that helps teams work and talk better. It is on the internet. Slack was made by developers who wanted a better way to communicate. They used brainstorming to come up with many ideas quickly.

Slack also asked customers what they thought of their ideas. They used prototypes, MVPs, and landing pages to show their ideas and get feedback. Slack’s way of making their product was good. It solved a problem and made customers happy. It also grew fast.

Airbnb: Airbnb is a website that lets travelers stay with hosts who have different places to live. Airbnb started when its founders needed money for rent and let travelers use their extra room. Airbnb used the six thinking hats technique to see their problem or idea in different ways, and to make and check ideas for their product.

Airbnb also used online surveys to get and study the facts and data about the market and the customers, and to see if people wanted and liked their product ideas. Airbnb’s way of making their product was good. It gave a new value and difference for its customers, and also a big and growing market.

Idea Generation Processes That Failed

Google Glass: Google Glass was a device that users wore like glasses. It had a small screen that showed information and features. Google Glass came out in 2013 as a new product that wanted to make a new market for augmented reality. Google Glass made its product idea with technology push, not thinking about consumer pull or market demand.

Google Glass did not know what its customers needed, wanted, or liked, and did not ask or check with them. Google Glass had many problems and bad comments, such as privacy, security, safety, and social issues. Google Glass stopped in 2015, after not getting many users or customers.

Juicero: Juicero was a juicer that used pouches of fruits and vegetables. It came out in 2016 as a high-end product for healthy people. Juicero used brainstorming to think of its product idea, but it did not check if it was possible or profitable.

Juicero did not think about the cost and money of its product idea, and made its product too expensive for its customers. Juicero also got a lot of bad comments when people found out that they could squeeze the pouches by hand, without the juicer. Juicero stopped in 2017, after not showing its value and difference.

Segway: Segway was a scooter that balanced itself. It used electricity. It was for short trips at low speeds. Segway started in 2001. It wanted to change how people move in cities. Segway used the six thinking hats method. It was to see its idea from different angles. It was to make and test its idea.

But Segway did not use the method well. It was too hopeful and imaginative. It ignored the realistic and emotional parts. Segway did not see the problems and dangers of its idea. They were about rules, safety, and society. Segway did not show the emotions of its idea. It did not make customers feel or want it. Segway was sold in 2020. It did not grow as much as it hoped.

Pros and Cons for Idea Generation

Pros and Cons
Pros and Cons for Idea Generation

Idea generation is the process of creating new ideas by exploring different concepts and possibilities as well as inputs from other stakeholders to find the best solution. Idea generation is an important part of problem-solving and can be done in a group setting. However, idea generation also has some drawbacks and challenges that need to be considered. Here is a table that summarizes the pros and cons of idea generation:

– It stimulates creativity and innovation.– It can be time-consuming and costly.
– It increases the diversity and quality of ideas.– It can lead to information overload and confusion.
– It enhances collaboration and communication.– It can cause conflict and disagreement.
– It improves decision-making and problem-solving.– It can result in unrealistic or impractical ideas.
– It boosts motivation and engagement.– It can create pressure and stress.
– It fosters learning and development.– It can generate ethical or legal issues.
– It adds value and differentiation.– It can face resistance and rejection.
– It creates opportunities and growth.– It can involve risks and uncertainties.

Potential Roles of AI and other Technologies in Idea Generation for Small Businesses

Potential Role of AI
Potential Role of AI in Idea Generation

Artificial intelligence (AI) and other technologies can play a significant role in idea generation for small businesses. AI and other technologies can help small businesses to:

  • Automate and streamline the idea generation process, such as by using tools like ChatGPT, which can generate text based on a given prompt, or Copilot, which can generate code based on a given description.
  • Enhance and augment the idea generation capabilities, such as by using tools like SCAMPER, which can help modify or improve an existing product or service, or Six Thinking Hats, which can help look at a problem or idea from different perspectives.
  • Analyze and evaluate the idea generation outcomes, such as by using tools like data analytics, which can help measure the market size and growth, or customer feedback, which can help validate the demand and interest for the product ideas.
  • Implement and execute the idea generation solutions, such as by using tools like chatbots, which can help provide customer service, or digital marketing, which can help promote the product ideas.

Here are some practical AI applications in product idea generation:

1. AI-Powered Brainstorming Tools: Use AI to suggest new product ideas. These should be based on market trends and consumer preferences.

2. Chatbots for Customer Insights: Chatbots gather customer feedback and reviews. This data can be used to provide insights for new product development.

3. Data Analytics for Market Trends: Use AI analyze market data. It can help to identify emerging trends, guiding product idea creation.

4. AI in Design Software: Use AI tools in product design. AI can suggest improvements and innovative features for products.

5. Predictive Analytics for Demand Forecasting: AI can be used to predict future product trends and demand. This can help to shape new product ideas.

6. Content Generation for Marketing: AI generates marketing content for new products. This can lead to big savings in time and resources.

7. AI for Competitive Analysis: Use AI to analyze competitors. This will help you to identify market gaps and opportunities for new products.

8. Machine Learning for Customer Segmentation: AI can assist you to segment customers. This will allow you to tailor your product ideas to specific targeted groups.

9. AI-Driven Project Management Tools: AI tools help manage the development process of new product ideas. This can result in huge productivity and efficiency gains.

10. AI for Prototype Testing: AI help to simulate and test product prototypes. It will provide quick feedback for immediate product improvements.

Future Trends in Small Business Ideas
Future Trends in Small Business Idea Generation

Small business idea generation is likely to be influenced by the following future trends:

  • Increasing demand for personalized and customized products and services, which will require small businesses to generate ideas that cater to the specific needs and preferences of their customers.
  • Rising competition and innovation in the market, which will require small businesses to generate ideas that offer a unique value proposition and differentiation from their competitors.
  • Growing impact of social and environmental issues, which will require small businesses to generate ideas that address the challenges and opportunities of sustainability, ethics, and social responsibility⁶⁷.
  • Advancing development and adoption of new technologies, which will require small businesses to generate ideas that leverage the potential and benefits of technologies such as AI, 3D printing, blockchain, and biotechnology.

Conclusion and Call to Action

In conclusion, idea generation is a vital and valuable process for small businesses to create new or improved products or services that meet the needs and wants of their customers. Idea generation involves using various tools and techniques to generate, evaluate, and select the best ideas, as well as considering the pros and cons of the process. Idea generation is also influenced by the current and future trends in the market, such as the demand for personalization, the competition for innovation, the impact of social and environmental issues, and the development and adoption of new technologies. Therefore, small businesses should embrace and enhance their idea generation capabilities to stay competitive, innovative, and profitable in the market.

If you are a small business owner or aspiring entrepreneur who wants to learn more about idea generation and how to apply it to your business, you can download our free Idea Generation Toolkit, which contains useful resources and templates to help you generate, evaluate, and implement your ideas. You can also contact us for a free consultation and coaching session, where we can help you with your specific idea generation challenges and goals.


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